The sketches must appear in separate divs. However, it seems if i use the following code more than once on a page, it causes all sorts of errors.ĮxecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(retrieveListItems, 'sp.js') Which canvas is displayed will be controlled by a separate controller js file based on a numerical index assigned to each div.I am trying to display documents in a web part based off of the parameter passed to the page. Var parameter = GetUrlKeyValue('ProjectName') //get the parameter name, tested and it works #SCRIPTCASE MULTIPLE IFRAMES ON ONE PAGE CODE# Var oList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle('Project Parameters') //create list object by the title of the, projectParameters is the list to look through Var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext() //create client context at this site collection. Var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery() //create CAMLquery to pull in list items.
'10') //define the query, here we pull in the field where the parameter matches.